Ghost 2 Immobiliser

The Ghost 2 Immobiliser is the original CAN bus immobiliser, offering vehicle security and protection like nothing else on the market. A Ghost 2 immobiliser gives protection against common carjacking methods such as key cloning, key hacking, and key theft. The Ghost is a small device that is installed inside your vehicle in an undetectable location.

It must be installed by an approved Autowatch ghost installer as the installation is complex, although able to be completed in 2 hours by professionals. The great thing about the ghost immobiliser 2 is that you have it for life. It can be transferred between vehicles by the fitters and comes with a 3-year device warranty for your peace of mind.

The Ghost 2 immobiliser is unique in the fact that it gives you the chance to create a pin code up to 20 buttons in the length. The pin code is made up of an unlimited number of possible buttons and movements within the centre console, doors, steering wheel etc. The engine will not start without the pin code being entered correctly. If you keep your pin code protected, any thieves have no chance of leaving with your vehicle.

Ghost Immobiliser 2 Features

  • Immobilisation by communicating with the ECU
  • Disarm sequence via buttons on steering wheel/dash
  • Smartphone app for apple and android
  • No transmitted radio frequency signals
  • Uses the on-board CAN data network
  • User changeable disarm sequence
  • Service / Valet mode means the disarm sequence is never compromised
  • Secure, unique emergency code should the disarm sequence be forgotten
  • Mobile application can connect to 2 phones to allow quick disarm

range rover ghost 2 immobiliser

Making Redundancies

Making redundancies within a company is not an easy process, firstly you must decide whether redundancies are needed.

When making redundancies, you should plan each stage of a redundancy process, this will help you to follow the correct procedure and do right by your staff.

The first thing for a company to look at when making redundancies would be to see if there is any way they can be avoided. Things like reducing work hours (temporarily) asking employers to stop work just for a short time and not hiring any new employees can all help to avoid a company going down the redundancy route.

If you feel as an employer that making redundancies is the only option, you must hold redundancy consultations with your staff and their representatives. The consultation is a chance for you to explain your planned changes and for your employee to give you their input and feedback to the proposed plans.

When making redundancies you must select the employees in a fair way and not discriminate against anyone. You must base the decision on their standard of work, attendance record, skills qualifications, and experience. You must not select any employees based on age, disability, gender, race, religion, or sex. There are many others do’s and don’ts so make sure as an employer you follow the rules.

When making redundancies an employer should give the employee redundancy notice, the amount of time depends on how long they have worked for the company. If it is less than a month they do not have the right to statutory notice, 1 month to 2 years the minimum notice is 1 week, 2 to 12 years, the notice given must be a week for every year they have worked, 12 years or more the minimum notice is 12 weeks. It is advised that the notice is sent by email or letter so that both parties have a dated record.

Business meeting